Securing Enterprise Applications – Guide To Enterprise Application Security

Enterprise Application Security

Enterprise application security is a critical aspect of protecting organizations from external attacks and hacks. Despite advancements, certain types of hacking, like SQL injections, still pose a threat. A report found that 42% of vulnerabilities in Internet-facing applications in 2020 were due to SQL injection errors. As the line between physical and digital worlds blurs, comprehensive enterprise application security becomes increasingly crucial and challenging.

Enterprise application security involves safeguarding all applications used by an organization from unauthorized access and exploitation. This includes protecting sensitive data, both internal and customer-related, across all IT elements, including hardware, virtual machines, operating systems, and third-party applications.

Today, businesses heavily rely on numerous applications, both on-premises and in the cloud, for day-to-day operations. Each application and platform becomes a potential vulnerability point. The number of vulnerabilities in applications is increasing, with cybersecurity vulnerability reports recording a rise in published vulnerabilities over the years.

The significance of enterprise application security is further evident as personal and valuable data has become more vulnerable. With digital interactions being a common part of daily activities, personal and confidential information is at risk of being compromised. Furthermore, brand reputation is at stake when organizations fall victim to cyber attacks. To ensure comprehensive enterprise application security, organizations must address various vulnerabilities.

Here are the key steps to strengthen enterprise application security:

1. Educate employees:

Human error is a leading cause of cybersecurity breaches. All employees should receive cybersecurity training to enhance their awareness and understanding of best practices.

2. Implement strict access control:

Utilize tools like Microsoft Active Directory to enforce organization-wide access restrictions for devices, networks, and users. This helps prevent unauthorized access and limits potential threats.

3. Force strong user authentication:

Implement strong password policies and consider using two-factor authentication methods like OAuth 2.0 with two-factor authentication. This adds an extra layer of security to user authentication.

4. Encrypt all data:

Protect sensitive data by encrypting it both in transit and at rest. Use SSL with 256-bit encryption for data in transit and implement application-level access control and encryption for stored data.

5. Update just in time:

Regularly update firmware, software, and applications to address vulnerabilities. Follow a proper process to ensure the updates are reliable and test them in a controlled environment before rolling them out.

6. Identify all points of vulnerability:

Create a comprehensive inventory of all IT elements and regularly monitor and track them for possible vulnerabilities. This helps in proactive identification and mitigation of potential risks.

7. Monitor, track, and respond:

Utilize monitoring systems like Microsoft’s System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) or DynaTrace to monitor hardware, networks, and applications for potential threats. Implement malware protection and antivirus solutions on all devices and applications.

8. Make security a part of the business process:

Embed security analysis, testing, and improvement as an integral part of the business lifecycle. Conduct drills, training sessions, and regular tests for employees and applications to ensure readiness and adherence to security protocols.

While achieving 100% security is challenging, organizations must strive to implement robust security measures and continuously monitor and improve their systems. By prioritizing enterprise application security, businesses can mitigate risks and protect their valuable data and operations.

Aarav Solutions Enterprise Application Services aim at bringing innovation in a predictable, risk mitigated and cost-effective manner. Our Services assist your transformation initiatives through Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise application development & management services.