Empowering Farmers Across The Nation With Automation, AMRBox

Empowering Farmers Across The Nation With Automation, AMRBox

The era of digitization of everything is upon us. We, at Aarav Solutions, excel in advanced technology products that automates the process of automated meter reading called AMRBox. Let us show you how:

What is an AMRBox?

AMRBox is the answer to the steadily diminishing per capita availability of water in urban India due to population growth, urbanization, etc. The AMRBox automatically collects consumption, runs diagnostics and status data from water reading (gas and energy meter reading) devices. We further transfer the data to a central database for billing, troubleshooting, and analyzing. For instance, in the field of agriculture, such timely information coupled with analysis can help farmers better control water consumption. Furthermore, this technology aids in addressing key challenges in agriculture, such as the ever-increasing reliance on groundwater, which leads to a drop in the water table and bore wells drying up.

How does an AMRBox works?

A handheld Radio Frequency (RF) unit is taken in close proximity to the AMR enabled water (or energy) meter, where this unit captures and stores the reading data through the gateway, and is then taken to the network servers where the readings are transferred to a central server, to be utilized for analysis and billing. Our ARMBox technology comprises of two frequency range: Long range RF fetching data upto 15 kms away and Short range RF fetching data from 2 kilometers to 5 kilometers away. One of the key areas where AMRBox can prove a huge advantage is agriculture. How? AMRBox was created to save manpower eliminating manual reading, provide accurate readings with better quality of data, faster billing cycle improve cash flow, and to provide effective water management to help understand water usage profiles, identify leakages, and much more.

Our initiative to bring significant reduction in billing delays and errors led us to AMRBox. But an initiative was not enough. We went further to ensure ease of use, security, increasing interest in offered services, reducing re-billing costs and providing a database for analysis. This synchronized perfectly with our goals of empowering farmers to create sustainable change.

Know more about our pioneered solutions across various platforms through www.aaravsolutions.com. To halt process delays with the old and manual methodologies, and human errors resulting in data accuracies, Aarav Solutions offers one solution with multiple advantages and benefits to meter readers and end-customers.